Puerto Venecia completes the first phase of remodeling one of its outdoor areas, including the new outdoor digital façade

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Puerto Venecia completes the first phase of remodeling one of its outdoor areas, including the new outdoor digital façade

Puerto Venecia launches a new image and among them is completed with the new dynamic digital facade of more than 140 m2 of total surface.

Puerto Venecia located in Zaragoza, is in the process of an ambitious remodeling project for its outdoor areas. The first phase of the project, the terrace area, which ended at the beginning of this year, is completed with the exterior digital façade. These spaces have always been very emblematic and differentiating for the shopping resort in order to improve the user experience and increase the comfort of its visitors.

New multimedia digital façade with 2D, 3D content and dynamic digital lighting

Puerto Venecia by leddreamIt is one of the most innovative and technological digital elements that make it unique in Spain. A large-format Outdoor experience that combines technology through a two-sided LED screen, with 2D and anamorphic 3D content with synchronized visual effects and digital lighting in die-cut panels with natural themes and dynamic stairs, all in the same space. It is an innovative technological concept that fuses technology and architecture. A wide range of video hardware together with dynamic digital lighting, in addition to combining different synchronized content managers, with ad hoc visual content: dynamic templates for real-time content playback, 2D and 3D content creation. Everything to create a unique and immersive experience in one of the main entrances of the shopping center.

Architecture, LED technology, digital content and digital lighting come together to create a new immersive and highly innovative space.

For this ambitious digitization project, Puerto Venecia has relied on LEDDREAM Group and its integrating partner HubTech, for the transformation of the digital façade of the shopping resort. The Egarense group has taken charge of this Digital Out Of Home experience from the conceptualization, design, development, and execution of the new digital facade of more than 140m2 of total surface. It is a special and innovative project, a totally groundbreaking new digital concept that makes it unique in Spain.

Puerto venecia by led dreamThe LED Display becomes a digital and artistic canvas with a total surface area of 32m2, its main function being informational and entertainment support. With 4.8mm outdoor pixel pitch and powerful brightness for perfect visibility, both day and night. Its uniqueness lies in its angular format, its corner is rounded and not cut at 90 degrees. Different pieces of visual content have been created, from landscapes, nature, way of life, fluids and shapes, bumpers, announcements and corporate events, etc. Particle content with perspectives and 3D depth combined in the part of LED screens and Digital lighting has also been designed.

The dynamic digital facade on die-cut panels: Designed and produced by Lumalia Studio, a company in the LED DREAM group, integrates the space both technologically and architecturally. The facade extends the LED screen in a game of synchrony and contrast, expanding the video content of the screen and contrasting with color ranges and lighting. In conjunction with the stands, it serves as a reflection of the vertical garden of the opposite façade.

Lighting system in the new stands area: This digital element is integrated into the space, it is the dynamic lighting extension along the stands. The content and video effects of the digital facade are expanded in an enveloping way following the movements and color ranges reproduced in a natural way. The indirect lighting bath on the stone emphasizes its texture, filling the space with light and color, especially when daylight falls, complementing the visual spectacularity of the façade with an atmosphere of warmth.

From LED DREAM Group, as a specialist in LED technology solutions, digital content and digital lighting (audiovisual), we continue to provide new and innovative digital solutions to our partners and customers! Be sure to follow us on LinkedIn for up-to-date news, highlights, and all of our new technology solutions. 

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