Have you just purchased a LED display or more than one for your business? This post will help you to understand what equipment you are about to buy and what needs it can have throughout its life.
First, it is important to understand that you are about (if you have not already) to acquire a large electronic product. This already indicates that its composition is made of different and numerous electronic elements. These include electronic boards (PCBs) with many LEDs and other similar components welded on it, power supplies, internal wiring, fans, and so on.
Second, and very important also, the intensive use to which the equipment will be subjected. That is, it is more than likely that your intention is to have our LED screen running many hours a day and many days a week (in some cases reaching the intensive 24/7). LED display is a great advertising and a strong visual impact, but it is a great investment, and we want to try to amortize as soon as possible, so it is normal and understandable to dedicate this intensive use.
And finally, it is possible to differentiate between indoor screens and outdoor screens. In the location, there is a big difference regarding the matter at hand. Logically, and here is the difference, it is not the same to install a LED display in an indoor space, then to do it in an outdoor place. Second ones are exposed to a great amount of inclement weather: heat, cold, with wide changes of temperature, condensations, storms, snow, and a so on.
But do not worry too much! If we have reached this point and the large format LED displays are so widespread in the market, it’s for a good reason. It is already a product of high reliability and great stability, and very mature thanks to the years that it has taken to develop and use in the market. Just know that, at some point, these equipment’s will require a maintenance or action caused by an incident, especially in its outdoor version. For your comfort and tranquility, you can evaluate the option of contracting a maintenance service, composed of personalized telephone service, resolution of incidents through remote access, preventive actions, and corrective actions (a good job in the first, will reduce the risk of the second, and extend the life of our screen).
When purchasing your LED display, consider other elements that may affect preventive or corrective maintenance work, such as ease of access to the equipment (which may result to spend a long time by technicians, lifting machines), time and access permissions for its intervention, if the time of resolution of incidence is critical, and others.
LEDDREAM offers customized maintenance contracts for its clients and according to the project, do not hesitate to ask us!